Following is an interesting post by Bingkee:
An online buddy, John, at Multiply shared this little prayer with me. I intend to express this prayer by posting it here. Although the prayer is referring to online friends through email, I dedicate this prayer to all my friends, buddies, fellow bloggers and loyal readers I met here online through my blogsite and at Blog Catalog, MyBlogLog, Pijoo and Spicypage. Also my friends and readers from Friendster, Facebook, Multiply, Netlog, Moli, and Gather."EXTRACT: And God, there is one more thing I wish that you could do. Hope you don't mind me asking, Bless my computer too.... When you update your heavenly list On your own CD-RomR emember each who've said this prayer. Sent up to Amen. continue reading
A note about This Tiny Little Prayer: Submitted By: Brenda S. (and I have no idea who that is...).
- See the true colors of this tiny little prayer with background music