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Thursday, June 01, 2006

Multifaith Calendars - Visualize the Festivals, Feasts, Fasts, Festoons, etc

Be Informed, Then Celebrate!
Did you know that your employer has to accommodate your religious rights to celebrate whatever you wish to? Read:
The Employer’s Duty to Provide Religious Accommodation. By P.A. Neena Gupta at Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP for HRinfodesk - Canadian Payroll and Employment Law News, June 2004

1. AMSSA - The Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies
Through education and advocacy AMSSA seeks to create a just and equitable society for all Canadians, and The Multifaith Calendar plays an integral role in our efforts by providing a source of complete and accurate dates, times, and descriptions for over 140 religious and cultural occasions. [Calendar]

2.BBC: - Religion & Ethics - Multifaith Calendar
Holy days and festivals calendar
All dates are shown using the Gregorian (Western) calendar. The calendar is accurate, but some dates may vary regionally because they are determined by the lunar calendar. Jewish festivals usually begin at sundown on the previous day. [Calendar]

3. INTERFAITH CALENDAR: Primary sacred times for world religions
The interfaith calendar is an open source provision of information. We believe in the peace making value of religious understanding and the importance of clear and accurate information. [Calendar]

4. Calendar of Holidays & Festivals, Religious holidays, observances, festivals, commemorations [Calendar]

More Online Multifaith Calendars[source]
  • Red River College in Manitoba (PDF format for each month)
  • Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly (from WNET PBS broadcasting, N.Y.) – Weekly/monthly calendar with info from the Multi-Faith calendar above.
  • Steelworkers multifaith calendar
  • Bates College, Lewiston Maine, chaplain's office

  • Printed calendars:
  • "Mystics Wheel of the Year"

  • Additional Sources for calendars by Faith (general and specific) [source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]:
  • Calendar
  • Islamic calendar
  • Hindu calendar
  • Zoroastrian calendar
  • Bahá'í calendar
  • Buddhist calendar
  • Note:
    A calendar date for any faith may require some additional sensitivity in relation to factors, such as, time and space. A few examples are given below:

  • The Hindu Calendar software, developed specifically for its Vaishnava denomination, states:
    Respected adiyens / maharajs / prabhus / matajis, please remember that the calendar of dates is only a dummy calendar and dates & breakfast times mentioned here are specifically for new Zealand in the given year may not be applicable for your longitude, latitude and time zone - check your local panjikas - which are free and available to download from the site below. The purpose of this database is to provide you will all information relevant to the events (festivals, feasts, fasts, etc). Trusting this finds you all well.
    (NOTE: the Luna based Tithis - phases of the Moon will be one day ahead for some places, ie., the USA - places West of Greenwich; while the Solar based Varams - days, will be ahead or behind depending on the Time Zone + or - from Greenwich, GMT )

  • For the information about Muslim or Islamic Calendar, see the web site:
    See also: A Brief Introduction To The Islamic (Hijri) Calendar
    For religious reasons, the beginning of a Hijri month is marked not by the start of a new moon, but by a physical (i.e., an actual human) sighting of the crescent moon at a given locale.
    The slight differences in printed Islamic calendars, worldwide, can therefore be traced to two primary factors: (1) the absence of a global criterion for first visibility; and (2) the use of different visibility criterion (or method of calculation). Weather conditions and differences in the observer's location also explain why there are sometimes differences in the observances of Islamic dates, worldwide [source]
    Further, "holidays such as Ramadan, Eid ul-Fitr, Eid ul-Adha, Ashura and Mawlud Nabi are dependent on the Islamic lunar calendar and vary from year to year." [Holidays & Attractions]

  • The Seventh-day Adventist Church states:
    Calculation of sunset and sunrise times are dependent on your exact latitude, and longitude coordinates. The continental maps do not provide accurate positioning. For more accurate results, manually enter latitude and longitude (Coordiantes south of equator, and west of Greenwich Meridian, must be negative), which can be obtained from Xerox PARC Map Server.

  • See news from other corners with similar interests:
  • Multi-Faith Calendar for May 2006: Students with Informed Faith Tolerance
  • For the next week, the multifaith calendar of multicultural London looks like this: details
  • The below calendar will be removed at the end of 2005 and replaced early in 2006 with an improved multifaith calendar." Details
  • want to wake up one day as a new multifaith calendar, leaving all bad thoughts, bad times and pains behind, but how can that be? details
  • The 2007 Multifaith Calendar produced by the Vancouver-based Multifaith Action Society will for the first time include the religion of Scientology amongst the world's faiths it celebrates. Details
  • As the internet continues to grow multifaith calendar web pages, we will strive to bring them to you. Details

    See also Google for Multifaith calendar OR calendars
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